Lift Every Vote And Rise

Candidate Questions

The Lift Every Vote And Rise team carefully curated one question to provide voters with a side-by-side look at each candidate and their views on issues voters care about most.

Ward B

Josette Bailey, P.h.D

Occupation: Retired District Level Administrator & Small Business Owner

Question 1: As the East Point City Council election heads into a runoff, what makes you the candidate that residents should vote for?

I’m the only candidate with a proven record of moving the city forward by strengthening the permitting process, providing resources such as additional cameras to improve public safety, and providing access to programs for senior citizens. I’m accessible and responsive. I’m the most qualified candidate to serve as City Council with a focus on priorities of the constituents including enacting standard operating procedures. After the finance department is working at full capacity, it’s time to increase the homestead exemption for all residents for relief on the increasing tax burdens. I support development while making sure legacy residents remain in their homes.

Carrie Ziegler

Occupation: Confidential

Question 1: As the East Point City Council election heads into a runoff, what makes you the candidate that residents should vote for?

I believe that my passion, experience, and dedication make me the ideal candidate for a seat on city council. I have been an active and engaged citizen for 6 years, long before I considered running. Fun fact, my first civic engagement activity in East Point was the open house for the Comprehensive Plan in 2017. I am a realist, I see things for what they are at face value. I am persistent, consistent and demand transparency. I am committed in telling people the truth. I am confident in my ability to effectively represent your interests and contribute to the positive growth of our community. Since I have attended many meetings across departments (Planning and Zoning, Council Meetings, Budget Meetings, etc) I have a keen understanding of our city’s unique challenges, and I have a vision and a plan for a more vibrant and inclusive future.

Ward C

Myron Cook

Occupation: Retired Corporate Operations Manager

Question 1: As the East Point City Council election heads into a runoff, what makes you the candidate that residents should vote for?

I am the incumbent for the Ward C Council position and served as Mayor Pro-Tem and Provisional Mayor Pro-Tem several times. Icurrently serve as Chairman of the Budget Finance Committee and the Council’s Appointee to the Employee’s Pension Board. I am a seasoned operations manager, however my job is not to manage the city. My role is to set standards and hold the staff accountable for the results. A vote for me is a vote to help maintain the city’s functional health and very high credit rating. A vote for me is to help protect seniors from gentrification issues. No council member will get anything done alone. It is a team effort. My voting record shows I am an effective, respected Council Representative. I am your best choice for Ward C.

Tremayne Mitchell

Occupation: Epidemiologist

Question 1: As the East Point City Council election heads into a runoff, what makes you the candidate that residents should vote for?

As a lifelong resident of East Point, I have witnessed the city evolve over the years. However, a lot of work still needs to be done, and I would be honored to serve the citizens of East Point to invest in positive change. Ward C spoke loud and clear when 63% of voters VOTED AGAINST incumbent Myron Cook!!! I believe I am the best candidate for Ward C, because I will bring a fresh perspective and new ideas. I will advocate for lower utility rates. I will advocate for lowering property taxes and lowering the Senior Property Tax Exemption age to 60. I will work diligently to reduce airport noise pollution in residential areas. I will promote smart economic growth and development.

Ward D

Stephanie Gordon 

Occupation: Councilmember/Brown & Brown Insurance Brokerage

Question 1: As the East Point City Council election heads into a runoff, what makes you the candidate that residents should vote for?

I have a proven track record of providing prompt response and delivering resolution to issues that arise in Ward D. I conduct myself with decorum and professionalism as representing my constituents with civility is a top priority. I am not afraid to stand alone or in the minority in effort to support what is in the best interest of the City of East Point. Our City deserves to see the best of times. And I am fully committed to being a part of the movement to steer us in the right direction. I have a local electorate but my vote has citywide impact. I have not caused harm to our Ward nor have I caused harm to our City. My passion to serve Ward D has remained consistent. I have never given up on our community and I never will.

Dr. Latonya Martin Rogers

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